Sunday, January 08, 2006

New Year's Resolutions

It's that time of year again - time to swear that once and for all you're going to do that thing you've been meaning to do...

I make resolutions every year. They vary from reasonable (switch to decaf coffee - #1995-6) to outrageous (I'll never go to Duncan Donuts again - #2001-17). This year I find my blog near the top of the list (#2006-12). Running a community arts school is pretty time-consuming. Yet it is the most fun I've ever had in my work life. And this will be the year that I find the time to do the things associated with my job that are the most fun - like writing in this blog.

Now, you may be saying to yourself, "But, Russ, seriously, you've had a tough go at keeping the blog entries consistent thus far." (My web guru Steve is chuckling aloud as he reads this.) I know, I know. But this time I have a PLAN. My new year's resolution #2006-1: use a computer day planning system (no, I will not reveal the planner of my choice). Now I have a repeat task each week to write in my blog. Wohoo! Now my computer can remember for me. Just as it will remind me to go to the gym (#2006-4), prepare extra-thoroughly for my April 1st recital (#2006-7), and to clean the fish tank on the last Sunday of each month (#2006-72). As you can see, the computer planner had to be #1 just because of the sheer number of resolutions I need to keep track of. (Oh, darn. Not ending sentences with the word "of" was #2006-46.)

So for the person who actually checks my blog from time to time, this resolution is for you. Thanks for being there. This year I'll be here once a week. At least until late January.

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