Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Spring 2012 Departmental Workshops

Departmental Workshop Week is for any student who is enrolled in the 2011 Fall Semester! Built into the Fall Semester curriculum, workshop week is designed to help students learn about topics, styles and techniques that go beyond their private lesson, ensemble or class. Each student will choose one workshop to attend (lessons, ensembles and classes will not take place during workshop week). Students must sign up in advance for the workshop of their choice by calling PMAC at 603-431-4278, e-mailing katie@pmaconline.org, registering online at  http://www.pmaconline.org/registration.html or by simply enrolling for a workshop through your instructor!

Below is detailed information pertaining to the upcoming Departmental Workshops (including descriptions of each workshop at the bottom of this post). This is PMAC's eighth year of providing workshops for private lesson students. It is one of the advantages of studying at a community school and designed to be fun and informative for all students. PMAC students can register for a workshop online by clicking here. 

TUESDAY, MAY 29, 2012

Active Listening for Beginning Students (Ages 5-8). Listening to music is as important to young students as practicing. We will continue to explore the difference between listening to music in the background and 'actively' listening. In this workshop, students will discuss identifying time signatures and form as well as expand on their ability to identify instruments. Workshop teaching team: Nicole Hajj, Katie Backus, Wendell Purrington, Virginia Macdonald. 

4:45 - 5:45pm
BoomWhacker Workshop (All Ages). Come explore the wacky world of Boomwhackers in this intergenerational ensemble experience. Workshop participants will work together to learn a song, while developing listening and ensemble skills. Great for the student who is new to ensembles or just wants to try something different. Limited to 16 people. Workshop teaching team: Virginia Macdonald, Katie Backus, Nicole Hajj. 

Find Your Voice (All Instruments Ages 11+, Geared for Non-Voice Students). Learn to sing out! Students will discuss techniques for warming up, the difference between ones ‘chest’ voice and ones ‘head’ voice and how to figure out your range. Workshop teaching team: Wendell Purrington, Nick Phaneuf, Nicole Hajj. 

7:15 - 8:15pm 
Hand Percussion and Auxiliary Percussion (Ages 9+). In this workshop students will work on playing as an ensemble as well as learn about the roles and techniques of various percussive instruments. Workshop teaching team: John Peiffer, Jim Rudolf, Nick Phaneuf. May 29 from 7:15 - 8:15pm.  Special Thanks to The Drum Center of Portsmouth for loaning instruments for this workshop!


Active Listening for Beginning Students (Ages 5-8). Listening to music is as important to young students as practicing. We will continue to explore the difference between listening to music in the background and 'actively' listening. In this workshop students will discuss identifying time signatures and form as well as expand on their ability to identify instruments. Workshop teaching team: Jeff Auger, Michelle Enos, Bryan Killough, Dianne Tiezzi. 

Piano Improv Laboratory (Ages 9+ Piano/Keyboard Students). Students will work on a few improvising techniques such as playing with a melodic theme. They will also work on playing with multiple piano players and the various roles they might play in a piano ensemble. Workshop teaching team: Jeff Auger, Eric Klaxton, Michelle Enos. 

Exploring the Music of John Cage (Ages 11 +). Learn about John Cage and experience first hand his unique style of composition that changed the world of music forever!  As one of the most influential American composers of the 20th century, he was a pioneer of composing using the method of chance, and of the non-standard use of instruments.  His compositions include 4’33” (4 minutes and 33 seconds of silence in 3 movements), Concerto for Prepared Piano (prepared by placing objects between or on the piano’s strings, hammers, or dampers), and Imaginary Landscape No.4 (for 12 radios).  Bring your instrument, creativity, and an open mind to thisworkshop as we leap out-of-the-box with John Cage!” Workshop teaching team: Kibbie Straw, Russ Grazier. 

7:15-8:45pm (90 minutes)
Rhythm Section: Working Together (Drums, Guitar, Bass and Piano ages 12+). Bring your instruments! The Rhythm Section, working as a team, is responsible for creating the 'feel' of a song. Faculty will demonstrate a few more types of grooves and explain each instruments role in creating it. Then they will turn it over to the students and give them a chance to try them out in small groups.Workshop teaching team: Mike Walsh, Jeff Auger, Nick Phaneuf, Bryan Killough. 

THURSDAY, MAY 31, 2012

COLOSSAL Cartoon Close-Ups!! (Ages 6-9). Get ready to think BIG! In this workshop young artists will explore the wild world of creating a cartoon character. From personality, to props, clothing, hair and facial features -what makes cartoon FUN is in the details. Then, we'll look close and create over-sized, bold 3ftx3ft cartoons! Animals, aliens, people and even objects will come to life in thisworkshop! Limited to 12 students. Workshop teaching team: Anna Nuttall, Laura Beaudoin. 

5:15-6:45pm (90 minutes)
Expression Session: Drawing Emotions in Art (Ages 10-14). Students will be exploring the expressive side of drawing facial expressions. Students will explore how color relates to emotion and expression. Each student will leave with a portrait they've created showcasing an emotion. Limited to 12 students. Workshop teaching team: Jeff Moses, Anna Nuttall. May 31 from 5:15 - 6:45pm.

What Do You Like and Why? Adult Listening Workshop (Adult Students Only). "Talking about music is like dancing about architecture." - David Bryne Students will bring in a short piece or song (less than 10 minutes) to listen to as a group (guilty pleasures are welcome too!) We will explore what it is about music that moves us through active listening. Workshop teaching team: Nick Phaneuf, David Orr. 


How to Play Reggae (Ages 12+). Reggae is a fusion of Jamaican traditional music with 50's/60's era soul music from the U.S.  In thisworkshop we'll play a few examples of what the reggae feel is all about.  We'll also hear what it was fused with, from reggae influence in punk to subgenres like dubstep, dancehall, and dub music. Students who sign up for this workshop must obtain a copy of the written music from the office and must learn it so we can play in the workshopWorkshop teaching team: Mike Effenberger, Mike Walsh, Nick Phaneuf, Jim Dozet. 

Visual Jazz featuring Guest Artist Roger Goldenberg (Ages 11+). This interdisciplinary workshop will show students how improvisational music and art can be combined. Artist Roger Goldenberg and jazz ensemble lead Matt Langely will demonstrate how they fuel each other and interact while improvising together. Music students: bring your instruments. Art students: be ready to create (supplies will be provided). Workshop teaching team: Matt Langley, Mike Effenberger, Mike Walsh, Anna Nuttall.