9) The Monterrey Jazz All-Stars featuring Regina Carter, Kurt Elling and Russell Malone at The Music Hall, Portsmouth, NH - The Music Hall continues to be a focal point in Portsmouth by bringing amazing artists to town week after week and 2010 was no exception. A highlight of the evening was when most of the band left the stage to let Regina Carter and Russell Malone do their thing. Playful, joyous, and communicative on so many levels.
8) fiveighthirteen with The Attic Bits at The Barley Pub, Dover, NH - The trio of Phaneuf, Effenberger and Walsh delivered a stellar performance of their long awaited release, GLACIAL, which was no surprise. What was unexpected was the amazingly creative 8-bit sounds of The Attic Bits. I never thought I could enjoy the sounds of a vintage Gameboy so thoroughly.
6) Herbie Hancock at The Music Hall, Portsmouth, NH - With Vinnie Colaiuta on drums and Tal Wilkenfeld on bass, this was one great show.
5) Buika at The Music Hall, Portsmouth, NH - Ever go to a show not knowing anything about the artist? And then they floor you? That sums it up. Great band, amazing singing by Buika whose distinctive voice and style capture you from the first note. Jazzy, bluesy and lots of soul. Another reason to love The Music Hall.
3) David Binney with Brian Blade at Joe's Pub, NYC - Indie jazz? That's the scene these guys are making. We were up close an personal at this show...so close I could reach out and touch Binney, though that would've been creepy. Blade stole the show, which was hard to do since the whole band was on fire. Great, great jazz, but another case of NYC shows being way too short. Can't wait to catch Binney again. We'll be seeing Blade again in just a few months with Wayne Shorter. Looking forward to that.
1) The Dresden Dolls 10th Anniversary Reunion Show, night one, at The Wilbur Theatre, Boston - And speaking of connection with the audience, Amanda Palmer and Brian Viglione are the masters of rock intimacy. The first night of their 2-night reunion show in Boston featured a complete performance of thier first studio release, the self-titled Dresden Dolls as well as some great covers and songs from their other two albums. We went to both shows, but night one stood out as being quite remarkable. Not much else I could say that I haven't already said about the wonder duo. Could a new album be in their future. Let's hold hands and pray...please!
Elsa Cross at The Press Room, Portsmouth, NH
Spinal Tarp II at The Barley Pub, Dover, NH
Robert Gerry Trio at The Barley Pub, Dover, NH
Jerry Bergonzi and Phil Grenadier with the Ryan Parker Trio at The Press Room, Portsmouth, NH
Rush at Mohegan Sun, Uncasville, CT