Sunday, November 26, 2006

Revenge of the Blog

All right, all right...I already have an entry titled "Return of the Blog", and then I quickly got too busy (read LAME) to write. So here is another, long awaited entry, an attempt to get everyone up to date...

It's been a busy year here at PMAC. We are growing like much that we've begun to look into a new building. We even have a new building committee that has been hard at work for about nine months. You'll hear more on this soon!

On the entertainment front, it has been a concert going year for Katie and I. Everytime I'm out at a concert, I want to blog about immediately...but unfortunately that urgency is quickly replaced with a need to keep up with the busy-ness of running an arts school. I could say I'll be better in the future, but I've said it before and you've seen what happens.

There are a few highlights from the past year's concert events. We discovered Brandy Carlisle at the first of two Jamie Cullum concerts we went to. She opened for him at the Opera House in Boston. Katie picked up her CD that night and we were instant fans. You should check her out - and not judge her by the fact that her big break was on the soundtrack of "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants."

Another highlight was Neenna Freelon at the Music Hall. Wow. And through our partnership with the Music Hall, she gave a clinic at Portsmouth High School. It was a great event.
More recently, we saw Bruce Hornsby at the Music Hall. Not really my cup of tea, but enjoyable nonetheless. Three of our students got to visit with him backstage after the show. (See picture below) He has the aloof demeanor you might expect of a musician who's spent too much time in LA.

Other concerts include New Hampshire Symphony Orchestra (for which I am now serving on an education committee), Portsmouth Symphony, Seu Jorge (WOW! What a show!), and so much more that is escaping my mind at the moment. Some great, some o.k., nothing really unbearable.

So its been a good year. But I have a sneaking suspicion that 2007 will be the best ever. New things on the horizon for PMAC. But I shouldn't get ahead of myself. We still have a month of 2006 to go.